Dr. Rohasliney Hashim received her Bachelor of Science (Hons), majoring in Applied Biology and minor in Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Subsequently, she furthered her Master of Science in Aquatic Biology at the same university. She then received her Ph.D. in Fisheries Management from Mississippi State University, USA. In 2005, she worked at the School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, as a Senior Lecturer. She then transferred to the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in 2013. Her research interest is on aquatic biomonitoring, which focuses on fish, plankton, and macroinvertebrate as indicators for the water quality of aquatic ecosystems. She also conducted several studies on the inland fisheries that focus on fish health and condition.
(Dr.) Rohasliney Binti Hashim
Pensyarah Kanan
Fakulti Perhutanan Dan Alam Sekitar
Length-weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor of Two Dominant Species (Cyclocheilithys apogon and Notopterus notopterus) at Subang Lake, Selangor, Malaysia
Preliminary Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination and Source Identification in Kuala Lumpur SMART Stormwater Pond Sediments Using Pb Isotopic Signature
Analysis of time-space varying relationship between land use and water quality in a tropical watershed
Integrating cellular automata Markov model to simulate future land use change of a tropical basin
The Migratory Pattern and Condition of Tiny Scale Barb, Thynnichthys thynnoides (Bleeker, 1852) at Rui River, Perak, Malaysia
Economic and efficiency based optimisation of water quality monitoring network for land use impact assessment
Application of Ecological Indices using Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Relation to Aquaculture Activities in Rawang Sub-basin, Selangor River, Malaysia