Norazak Senu is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Universiti
Putra Malaysia. Also, as associate researcher at Institute for Mathematical Research, UPM. His main interests include
working on different types of differential equations and modeling real-world systems using Runge-Kutta type and
other numerical methods. He published more than 100 articles in the peer-reviewed international journals.
He achieved several governmental grants to support his scientific works. He is also serving as a referee in more than
50 reputed international journal articles.
Current Research Interest
• Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations(ODEs)
Dr. Norazak’s research is in the general area of numerical analysis; her specialties include the numerical solution of
ordinary differential equations, focusing on first order and higher order ordinary differential equations in which the
solutions are in the oscillatory functions: The methods are includes Runge-Kutta methods, Runge-Kutta-Nystrom
methods, Runge-Kutta type methods for solving high order ODEs, block method, and parallel computing using MPI for
solving large scale problem.
• Web Based Learning and Teaching System
The research is focusing on developing very interactive, attractive and user friendly mathematics software based on
wab based and stand alone basis. With this system students or users can access or use the material of learning and
teaching system at anywhere and anytime. User interface embedded in the website with the numerical and graphical
output illustration are criteria of the software. The software developed is called Numerical Computations Laboratory