PhD- Univ of Auckland, NZ
MSc- Univ of Southampton, UK
BSc (computer science)-UTM
Diploma (computer science)- ITM
Semester 1 2012/13: SIM3001 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Semester 3 2012/2013: SIM4200 - Information Systems
Semester 1 2013/2014: Introduction to Software Engineering
Semester 2 2013/2014: SIM4300- Software Project Management
Semester 2 2013/2014: SSK5980- Seminar in Computer Science
Semester 1 2014/2015: Software Project Management (Undergraduate)
Semester 1 2014/2015: Seminar in Computer Science (Postgraduate)
Semester 1 2015/2016: Seminar in Computer Science (Postgraduate)
Semester 2 2014/2015: Software Project Management (Undergraduate)
Semester 2 2014/2015: Seminar in Computer Science (Postgraduate)
Semester 1 2015/2016: Software Project Management (Undergraduate)
Semester 2 2015/2016: Software Project Management (Undergraduate)
Semester 2 2015/2016: Seminar in Computer Science (Postgraduate)
Master Programme Coordinator
AJK Kecil Pengajian Siswazah
AJK Siswazah Kecil (2012)
AJK Ijazah Lanjutan (2012)
AJK Software Quality Unit (2012)
Bronze Award at the Pameran dan Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa, PECIPTA2015, 4-6 Dis 2015
Project title: ClassDiagramCritic (CDC): An Educational Tool to Support UML Class Diagram
Sijil Anugerah Gemilang 2014 bagi Anugerah Pengajaran Cemerlang 2014, FSKTM, UPM
Certificate of Excellent Service 2015-UPM
GOLD Medal Award at the Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo 2014 (I-PHEX2014)
Title : A Collaborative Software Design Critiquing Tool
Category : Innovative Teaching & Learning Practice
Bronze medal Award at Pameran RekaCipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PRPI) 2014
Title: Use of Critiquing Systems in Software Engineering Context
GOLD Award at the National University Carnival on E-Learning 2014 (NUCeL 2014)
Project title: ClassDiagramCritic (CDC): An Educational Tool to Support UML Class Diagram
Anugerah Penerbitan Penyelidik Cemerlang 2013- FSKTM, UPM
Certificate of Excellent Service 2013-UPM
Award Certificate for Excellent Educator 2011
(Sijil Anugerah Gemilang bagi Anugerah Pengajar Cemerlang 2011)- FSKTM, UPM
The Most Active Lecturer in Using the PUTRALMS (http://lms/i3learn/www/index.php?logout=true) , Semester 2 Session 2011/2012 (1st Place) -UPM
Doctoral Completion Award
( NZD 6000 )-University of Auckland, NZ
BuildIT Travel Award - BuildIT PhD Scholarship panel, The University of Waikato, New Zealand.
U.S. National Science Foundation award
- National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, USA.
Award Certificate for Excellent Educator 2006
(Sijil Anugerah Gemilang bagi Anugerah Pengajar Cemerlang 2006)-FSKTM, UPM
PhD Scholarship Award- Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (SLAB) dan Universiti Putra Malaysia
Certificate of Excellent Service 2005
(Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2005)- UPM
Award and Certificate of Excellent Service 2004
(Anugerah dan Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2004)- UPM
Certificate of Excellent Service 2003
(Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2003)-UPM
Best Lecturer in conjunction with Lecturers Day ceremony, session 2003-2004
(Pengajar Terbaik sempena Majlis Hari Pensyarah sessi 2003-2004)- FSKTM, UPM
Sijil Anugerah Kepujian Peringkat Fakulti – Perkhidmatan Baik 1998 (FSKSM, UTM)
Automated Errors Detection in UML Diagrams to Enhance Students’ Learning in Object-Oriented Models (Project Leader, GIPP Fund- RM 10,000) JUN 2015- NOV 2016
1 Master student (by coursework)- on going
Metamodel Critics to Enhance the Consistency of Model-Implementation Mapping in a Model-Driven Software Engineering (Project Leader, FRGS Fund - RM91800) NOV 2015-NOV 2017
2 Master students (by research)-on going
Development of a collaborative software design critic tool to support software engineering students in software design tasks (Project Leader, GIPP Fund- RM 10, 000)1 NOV 2012-31 OCT 2014
1 Master by research student (Graduated-2016)
An Empirical Evaluation In Taxonomy of Computer-Supported Critics- RUGS (RM 32,000) OKT 2011 - APRIL 2014
The Use of Metamodel-based Approach for Designing Healthcare Applications
Verifying the Correctness of UML Statechart Outpatient Clinic Based on Common Modeling Language and SMV
The Correctness of Service in Runtime Adaptation for Context-Aware Mobile Cloud Learning
Hybrid Obfuscation Technique to Protect Source Code From Prohibited Software Reverse Engineering